Friday, June 22, 2012

Payment on line - Scientific book

National  Cancer  Institute
                                 Studies have shown that exposure to HCAs and PAHs can cause cancer in animal models (6). In many experiments, rodents fed a diet supplemented with HCAs developed tumors of the breast, colon, liver, skin, lung, prostate, and other organs (712). Rodents fed PAHs also developed cancers, including leukemia and tumors of the gastrointestinal tract and lungs (13). However, the doses of HCAs and PAHs used in these studies were very high—equivalent to thousands of times the doses that a person would consume in a normal diet.

Population studies have not established a definitive link between HCA and PAH exposure from cooked meats and cancer in humans. One difficulty with conducting such studies is that it can be difficult to determine the exact level of HCA and/or PAH exposure a person gets from cooked meats.




The civilization on the erroneous direction

                         Our Foundation will publish a scientific work whose title is “ The civilization on the erroneous direction”.
                         The purpose of this publication is to make the human aware of the causes, the consequences, the upcoming scenarios due to climate change.

                         It’s based on the causes of human activities in 1760 since industrial era. According to the international scientific studies with high degree of confidence, the climate scientists can determine that the human activities are largely causing global warming in a record time since millions of years, an unprecedented rate.
                         Today, the climate conditions are not getting better. If any habit changes, the consequence will be very heavy for the human lives. 
                       The ultimate consequence of this erroneous civilization is human cancer due to the meat consumption at the planet scale. The National Institute of Cancer noticed that the heterocyclic amines (HCAs) and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) are chemicals formed when muscle meat, including beef, pork, fish, and poultry, is cooked using high-temperature methods, and the direct exposure to high levels of HCAs and PAHs can cause cancer in animals and in humans with high percentage of confidence.  Really we had  little chance to cure cancer.
                          We try to use natural bioactive compounds to slow down the growth of tumors and followed the test with results are encouraging in some cases.  

The civilization on the erroneous direction

Part 1- Introduction

Part 2- Earth atmosphere – Greenhouse effect

2.1- Earth atmosphere

2.2- Roles of the atmosphere

2.3- Density – mass

2.4- Absorptivity and Emissivity

2.5- Albedo

2.6- The solar energy

2.7- Without the natural greenhouse effect the temperature of Earth’s surface is -18 ° C

2.8- The value of the average temperature

2.9- Stephan-Boltzmann Law

2.10- Cooling the surface of the Earth

2.11- Heating the surface of the Earth

2.12- The infrared radiation emitted by the atmosphere = 519 W/m2

2.13- Equilibrium at the surface

2.14- Radiative equilibrium - Dynamic balance

2.15- Radiation Budget of Earth

2.16- Amplified greenhouse effect - Additional greenhouse effect

2.17- Impact of human activity

2.18- Greenhouse gases GHG

2.19- Mechanism of the energy transfer when a CO2 molecule meets a photon
2.20- Greenhouse effect- Massive use of fossil fuels
2.21- 155 W/m2 = Global average greenhouse effect

2.22- 155 W/m2 = Difference between the surface energy and the overall energy

2.23- Higher concentrations of CO2 and other gases trap more infrared radiation
2.24- Additional greenhouse effect is 2.8 Wm-2
2.25- Contribution to the greenhouse effect of the main gases
2.26- Since the Industrial Revolution
2.27- Three main factors

2.28- Climates are changing
2.29- Remark
Part 3- Increasing the temperature
3.1- Over the last million years

3.2- Since 400,000 years
3.3- Climate cycles

3.4- Sometimes the temperature and gas concentrations are not synchronized as usual
3.5- Contribute and change
3.6- 387 ppmv
3.7- Since 1860

3.8- Doubling the concentration of CO2 in the atmosphere will increase temperatures by 1.1ºC

3.9- A look at the quantum mechanics related to the energy transfer
3.10- The interactions of molecules with infrared radiation
3.11- CO2 collisions and exchanged energy
3.12- Emission time is longer than the time between collisions
3.13- Quantum mechanics would like to tell you
3.14- The mainstream assessment of global warming
3.15- List of scientists opposing the mainstream scientific assessment of global warming - Divided into different subjects
3.16- Increase in the average temperature of Earth's surface -NASA viewpoint
3.17- France scientists - Viewpoint
3.18- Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
– I.P.C.C. Viewpoint
3.19- About future trends of temperature
3.20- Remark number 1
3.21- Remark number 2
3.22- Remark number 3
Part 4- Radiative forcing
4.1- Radiative forcing - A general comparison of the influence of external
factors on climate

4.2- Radiative forcing is instant changes of radiation budget of the climate
4.3- The main radiative forcing of current climate

4.4- Level of scientific comprehension

4.5- Additional forcing
4.6- Atmospheric temperature

4.7- Radiative forcing varies as the logarithm of the concentration of CO2
4.8- 2.5 – 2.8 W/m2
4.9- Radiative forcing of the surface-troposphere system
4.10- Disaster scenarios – CO2 Concentration
4.11- Remark number 1
4.12- Remark number 2
4.13- Remark number 3
Part 5 - Carbon dioxide CO2
5.1- The rise in average global temperature
5.2- Stop global warming
5.3- The role of CO2 in the largest mass extinction in Earth’s history Strong and sudden increase in the levels of carbon dioxide CO2
5.4- Characteristics of scenarios
5.5- Different levels of stabilization
5.6- 350 – 450 – 550 ppm
5.7- Three possibilities of the future temperature
5.8- Melting ice
5.9- Different forms of ice
5.10- Rising temperatures
5.11- The Arctic Ocean
5.12- NASA plans a total meltdown of Arctic ice in 2012
European Space Agency
5.13- Greenland – Antarctica
5.14- Polar ice caps
5.15- The consequences of melting ice
5.16- Risks of singularities at large-scale level
5.17- Sea ice
5.18- The sea ice contains huge amount of CH4
5.19- Arctic sea ice has shrunk
5.20- A marked decline in arctic sea ice: albedo reducing
5.21- The melting of sea ice
5.22- The hard facts
5.23- Probable causes
5.24- The possible consequences
5.25- Remark on the ice melting
5.26- The Arctic will soon have no ice in summer
5.27- The melting of glaciers
5.28- Permafrost
5.29- Thaws
5.30- Observed and projected climate change - IPCC
5.31- The melting of Arctic sea ice threatens permafrost
5.32- 90% of all the permafrost will melt by 100 years
5.33- Remark
Part 6 - The sea level rise
6.1- The ocean warms and glaciers melt
6.2- The melting of sea ice and land ice
6.3- The contribution of the melting of the Greenland ice sheet
6.4- Antarctica
6.5- Causes of the recent rise in sea level
I.P.C.C. viewpoint
6.6- Mechanisms of rising sea levels
- Thermal expansion
- Melting Ice
- Ocean currents, thermohaline circulation,

- Contribution of water storage on the continents, Contribution of land movements,
- Storms and erosion,
- atmospheric phenomena
6.7- Prediction for the XXI Century
6.8- The potential consequences of this rising water:
- Major impacts,
- Ecosystems and Biodiversity,
- Infrastructure and coastal heritage,
- Extreme events, floods and water resources,
- Risk of poisoning through consumption of fish and crustaceans,
- Migration and environmental refugees,
- Impacts depending on the type of coast,
- Fundamental aspects of adaptation,
- Type of adaptation, adaptive capacity,
- Costs rising waters,
- The impact of rising waters and accommodation,
- New York: rising sea levels and coastal flooding,
- The report of the International Committee of the Environment,
6.9- Remark

Part 7: Methane CH4

7.1- Fossil fuels
7.2- CH4 emissions to the atmosphere
7.3- Methane clathrate, methane hydrate, or methane ice
7.4- Phase diagram of methane clathrate
7.5- Origin and stability of methane clathrate
7.6- Methane concentration
7.7- Permafrost
7.8- Methane from the ocean
7.9- The release of methane
7.10- The natural release of large quantities of methane hydrate
7.11- Earth’s underwater world has remained virtually unknown and unseen
7.12- The size of oceanic methane clathrate reservoir is poorly known
7.13- Scientific evidence: gas methane is escaping from the Arctic sea-bed
7.14- 250 plumes of methane bubbles are rising from the sea-bed off
7.15- Methane rising from an area of sea-bed off West Spitsbergen, from depths between 150m and 400m
7.16- The release of CH4: higher concentrations contributing to global temperature rise
7.17- A worst-case scenario: if billions of tonnes of methane are released suddenly.
7.18- Drilling operation of oil company may have triggered an irreversible, cascading geological Event.
Drilling down miles into a geologically unstable region and may have set the stage for the eventual premature release of a methane mega-bubble
7.19- Gregory Ryskin: The oceans periodically produce massive eruptions of
explosive methane gas.
Mass extinction can be caused by an extremely fast, explosive release of dissolved methane and other dissolved gases CO2,H2S accumulated in the ocean water.
7.20- Remark

Part 8- Geological time of the Earth

8.1- Species extinction
8.2- Causes of extinction
8.3- Habitat destruction
8.4- Predation, competition and disease
8.5- The large extinctions
8.6- Mass extinctions through geological time
8.7- Cycle from 26 to 30 million years
8.8- The causes often arrived: biological and physical
8.9- Hypothesis: asteroid, exceptional volcanism, sudden melting of methane hydrates
8.10- Case of the Permian mass extinction - 251 million years ago
. Huge clouds of fuels resulting from the sudden release of methane gas trapped in stagnant bodies of water, could have wiped out a large portion of marine life, terrestrial animals and plants,
. 10,000 gigatons of dissolved methane would have accumulated in the water near the bottom of the ocean, under high pressure. In the case of a sudden release, for example triggered the extinction by an earthquake: 95% of marine species and 70% of land species disappeared,
. In principle, the mass extinction took place in 3 phases.
8.11- Atmospheric CO 2 could be enough to trigger  an extinction
8.12- Extinction was multifactorial
8.13- The oceans poisoned by carbon dioxide
. The absorption of CO2 in the ocean -Chemistry of carbonates
. Carbonate saturation
. Impact of ocean acidification on marine organisms
. The cause of the acidification of seawater
8.14- The increase of CO2 in the oceans threatenmarine life
. Photosynthesis
. Plankton
8.15- Global response to climate change - Academies of Sciences
. Joint science academies’ statement: Global response to climate change (Climate change is real, prepare for the consequences of climate change, and reduce the causes of climate change).
8.16- Scientific views – Climate change – Tipping point
. Gregory Ryskin - John Atcheson - Michael J. Benton - Lovelock
8.17- Climate refugees - Reducing methane emissions
. The cause of the devastation,
. Possible Solutions
8.18- Remark

Part 9 - Herbivore and carnivore

9.1- The carnivores
9.2- The humans
9.3- Digestion of food
. Heating the body
. Operating the organism
. The human energetic needs
. Processing of food, supplying nutrients
. Protein requirements
. Our body produces proteins
. Human food - Food habits
. Cuvier, the France naturalist: “thecomparative anatomy teaches us that the human resembles frugivorous animals and nothing to carnivores”
. Herbivores have the longest digestive system, designed to ferment and transform the plant material.
. The total length of our intestines is abouteight and half meters. Because they are longer than thoseof carnivores, the meat we eat stays longer in ourintestines. Therefore, the meat can putrefy and producetoxins.
9.5- Time of passage of food through the digestivetrack
. Carnivores keep food in their stomachs forabout 4-8 hours. The stomach of carnivores containsmore hydrochloric acid for damage proteins, fats andbones and kill bacteria.
. The pH of the stomach of carnivores is less than or equal to 1.
9.6- Comparative anatomy of oral cavity and human dentition
9.7- Hydrolyzed reactions by the digestive enzyme
9.8- Human pathogens are of animal origins
9.9- Health problem: cholesterol, diabete, obesity - Cardiovascular diseases
9.10- Normal cell
Cancer cell
9.11- 25-30% of cancers could be linked to dietary factors

. The meat processing are also responsible for the appearance of compounds such as heterocyclic amines and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons that formwhen meat is cooked at high temperatures.

. The processing promotes the process ofcarcinogenes and is estimated over 80% of cases of cancer of the prostate, breast, and colon cancers are related to dietary factors.
9.12- American Institute for Cancer Research
. Breast cancer: the meat contains fat andcarcinogens such as heterocyclic amines, hydrocarbonsand polycyclic nitrogen compounds, especially red meatincreases the risk of breast cancer.
A fat diet promotes the production ofestrogen in the body, especially estradiol. High levels of this sex hormone has been linked to breast cancer.
. Colorectal cancer: red meat and processed meats are associated with an increased risk of colorectal cancer.
. Colon cancer: the adverse effect of red meat and meat products (pate, sausages, cold cuts) on theincidence of colon cancer has long been known.
. Pancreatic cancer: grilled meat promotepancreatic cancer.
9.13- National Cancer Institute
. The more one eats meat, the greater the risk of cancer. High consumers of red meat and processed meats have greater risk than others to suffer from colorectal cancer and lung cancer but also prostate cancer. The consumption of red meat is associated with an increased risk of cancer of the esophagus and liver and that of meat to an increased risk of bladder cancer and myeloma bone cancer. Moreover, meat consumption increases the risk of pancreatic cancer in men.
9.14- Remark number 1: the human body is not adapted to eating meat.
9.15- Remark number 2: livestock production is responsible for three quarters of methane emission.
Methane is doomsday trigger then explosethe mass extinction and the humans will disappear on Earth.

Part 10 - Photon and Einstein - Biophoton and Fritz Albert Popp
10.1 - Photon - Einstein
. Matter and energy are really different forms of the same thing. Matter can be turned into energy, and energy into matter. Matter is condensed energy.
. The photon is the particle that makes upthe electromagnetic waves, radio waves to gamma raysthrough the visible light. The concept of photon was developed by Albert Einstein between 1905 and 1917 toexplain experimental observations that could not beincluded as part of a classical wave model of light.
. In physics, a photon is an elementary particle, the quantum of the electromagnetic interactionand the basic unit of light and all other forms ofelectromagnetic radiation.
10.2 - Fritz Albert Popp - Biophoton
. Nobel Prize nominee in physics, who investigated the relationship between coherence and the biophoton energy in our cells.
. The most basic sub-molecular component of our body is made up of particles of light called biophotons.
. Biophotons, or ultraweak photon emissions of biological systems, are weak electromagnetic waves in the optical range of the spectrum.
. All living cells of plants, animals and human beings emit biophotons which cannot be seen by the naked eye but can be measured by special equipment developed by researchers in Germany.
. Biophoton light is stored in the cells of the organism, the DNA ( deoxyribonucleic acid ) molecules of their nuclei.
. Every cell in our body receives coherent light, stores coherent light, and emits coherent light.
. The biophotons, traveling at the speed of light, make up the electromagnetic frequency patterns that are found in every living organism.
10.3- Fundamental points of Biophoton
. A healthy cell will store light the longest, while an unhealthy cell will give off the light in a shorter time. Fritz Albert Popp discovered that a healthy cell radiates coherent light, while a diseased cell radiates chaotic light.
. Every biochemical reaction is proceeded by an electromagnetic signal. Cells communicate both electromagnetically and chemically and create biochemical pathways that interconnect with all functions of the body.
. On the surface of living tissue of human body, the issue of biophoton is in the order of 10 to 1,000 biophoton unit per square centimeter per second, and covered a broad spectrum of wavelengths from 200 to 800 nm (visible and ultraviolet). Biophotons are wellrecognized in the scientific world.
10.4- Roles of Biophoton
. Catalyze 100,000 biochemical reactions happening in our body each second,
. Metabolism, growth and cell differentiation,
. Role in inter-cellular communication,
. Radiation of biophoton should be semi-periodical and coherent,
. Damaged cells in human body emits more biophoton than healthy cells and injured organismsemit intense light.
. The origin of biophoton signal is probably in the blood and play a role in reception, transmissionand treatment of electromagnetic information.
. Development of complex organic structures such as organs or bodies.
. Biophoton are the silent language of DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid= DNA is a nucleic acid that contains the genetic instructions specifying the biological development of all cellular life. )
. They represent within all forms of life,more or less concentration and measured in units biophoton per second per square centimeter (u / sec /cm 2). A new born shines at least 200 units biophotonper second per square centimeter (u / sec / cm 2)
. An adult radiates between 80 and 120 u / sec / cm 2. A senior adult radiates 60 -50 -30 u / sec / cm 2.
. Biophoton regenerates life.
. When biophoton lowers and the lifedeteriorates.
. Biophoton is recognized as the controllerof cell metabolism to regulate growth and reproduction.
10.5- Remark
Part 11 - Unexpected Events – Sudden geological Events - Can you know the last day of the human ?
11.1- Gas and methane levels are at record – Accelerating effects
. Dead Zones - Domino effects
. Global warming – Gas hydrates - Gun hypothesis
. Role of methane throughout Earth history in causing massive catastrophe
11.2- Tsunami: waves caused by displacement of the oceanic crust that pushes the mass of water upward. Tsunami is formed from anomalies that cause displacement of a huge body of water such as earthquakes, mass movements of continental volcanic eruptions.
11.3- Unexpected earthquakes
11.4- Hypothesis of Gregory Ryskin:
. Methane in the ocean water column
. Metastability and eruption
. Oceanic eruption as a cause of mass extinction
. Methane driven oceanic eruption
. A very fast transition from the metastable state can be triggered by disturbances ( earthquake, seafloor volcano, convection currents, or internal gravity wave ) that displace fluid a finite distance in the vertical direction.
. The total carbon content of today’s terrestrial biomass is 2 x 10 exp. 18 g. Released in a geological instant (weeks), 10 exp. 18 to 10 exp. 19 g of methane could destroy the terrestrial life almost entirely. Combustion and explosion of 0.75 x 10 exp. 19 g of methane would liberate energy equivalent to 108 Mt of TNT (Trinitrotoluene = explosive material ), about 10,000 times greater than the world’s stockpile of nuclear weapons.
11.5- The case of Permian-Triassic extinction event
11.6- Remark

Part 12 - Two messages from the Nature

12.1- First message from the Nature
Vegetarian - Ecologist – Save the planet
This first message from the Nature is probably failed.
12.2- Second message from the Nature
Vegetarian – Ecologist – Save your I-photon
Biophoton is a part of I-photon.

Bottom lines:
. Speed of CH4 Release: gradual and rapid,
. Types of risks : global,regional, personal
. Future scenarios: the life ending on Earth is certain,
. Natural factors:
* solar activities,
* meteorite impact, other cosmic threats,
* megatsunami,
* supervolcano,
* climate change and global warming: ice age, ecological disaster,
. Direct factors
* greenhouse gases
* massive use of fossil fuels,
* deforestation,
* overpopulation,
* CH4 release (instability of continental slope),
. Others factors:
* global pandemic,
* agricultural crisis and famine,
* human factors: warfare and mass destruction
* overpopulation, overconsumption,
. human extinction: in the near future, one anthropogenic extinction scenario exists,
. the end of the civilization: it will be collapsed
. the mass extinction can happen sooner as predicted, really we are at the last days of human life on the planet.